Saturday, July 12, 2008



Today children fellowship had been cancelled due to the van. For some funny reason, our church van’s clutch spoiled. Teacher decided to cancel the children fellowship instead.

So, what did we do? Well, we went to one of our sister in Christ house to see what we can do to help. The brother that I said had died from heart failure. We basically wash, and clean the house and tuition their children which also our children fellowship’s children.

Though its tiring, but I finally realized that being a parent is not easy, especially being a single parent! So many things to be done! But so little time and tired. I am really not ready to bear this responsibility and finally understand it is hard to educate and bring up a child.

Besides responsibility of parents, I saw the mechanic that helped us to repair the van. The van where I parked the van, there are SHIT! Yea, shit... Guess what? He really lie near the SHIT and fix it! Although he is very, well, rude and unfriendly, but I could see his passion on his work! 

Responsibility, something I could not do... ><               

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