Tuesday, November 24, 2009

change, in the name of love?

Love, in a lot of movies, we sees that because of love, one would change his/her strength to something he/she thought the one he/she like would like....

We often thought that we are not good enough and would change for the sake of other whom we love. but often, is it the case? If someone really love/like you, isn't it because your original self that attract the one who love u??

In a land far away, there is this man, who have a very lovely voice. Everyone will fall in love in his singing but, he is born ugly. He never show other his face because he afraid it will scared other off!

One day, his voice reached an angel from above and when the angel goes and finds him, he hid himself, afraid that the angel will be scared of him.

He calls for help, he ask for help from the Demon King and he sold his voice and his time to serve under the Demon King for a good looking face...

But in the end... what the angel really fell in love is his voice.. not his face.....

At last, the Demon King gave back the man voice and they finally get together... despise of his look...

This is just a short summary of what happen in a drama which triggers this though of mine~ XD

In short, be grateful for who u are, do not change yourself just to "please" the other because who you are, is who he/she love....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my lecturer

just a random post to avoid doing my urgent-going-to-be-due assignment

I wonder if my adolescence and adult development lecturer is reading this or not...

*wave wave* HII sir!! =P (if you ever read this)

Monday, November 16, 2009

this thing call.... love

we have limited life span

when will we leave this planet call earth

is all


my question


will you tell your feeling towards someone you like/love/admire?

even though you are unsure about her feeling towards you?

even though you afraid it will make things worse after you let her know?

will letting her know, solve and calm down the feeling in you?

will letting her know, increase how she think and feel about herself? esteem?

what will you do?

what will your decision is?

what is your answer?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

its been awhile.....

Been awhile what? XD

Hmm, comes to think of it, the urge of getting and looking for a gf has stopped for quite sometimes.... Months I believe...

Ever since that.....

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Ah HA~

Had my aha moment today...

Gorgan will get emo when he is hungry! XD XD

grrr... i am hungry... grrr... me wan eat!

Sunday, November 01, 2009


It is seriously tiring and disgusting to see yourself fail and fail and saying and feeling the same thing over and over again..

Of course, we all see how can something be fixed on the outside, but how many actually understand the inner structure?

Of course, we all always think of something to support/fix the problem outside, but how many actually tried to look beyond that and support what in the inside?

Human... Me... Full of weakness....

Nope, I recognize my strength as well, thank you...

So, change it to a moving forward strength yea~ ^^