Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Something came into my thought just now; I remember reading one of my friends blog, she said that words, what you call someone is just a word, it doesn't mean anything. What important is how we personally feel about the person. Yes, to a certain extent, I do agree with her...

What strike me is that, is it always the case? Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother, Close friends, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, friend, classmates or even enemy really mean nothing??? It has no real meaning in it??? No, they do mean something to me, at least~ 

How we address the other party will eventually closer the bond between you and the other party because sometimes, verbal do carry some weight. Besides that, by addressing someone with words like, "you are my family, my close friend..." will eventually let the other party feels good too! 

Why do I post this? I don't know~~~ Just feels like it~~~

I appreciate you guys~ My sisters, my close friends, my family~ 

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