Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Messy thought

Messy thought :
Something cannot be rushed:-
Just learned that while assignments and studying can be rushed, learning skill/ability cannot be rushed. The more we rush, the harder we will learn. So, P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E we learn through these tasks.

Sometimes when we are too close to someone, we tend to care too much and lead us to unnecessary thought and feeling. Though I am still going through this "storm", I guess the S.U.N is still waiting up there above the dark clouds. As soon as I come out from this "storm", IT will be there! Besides, I do have a few "NAKAMA" with me now!

A lot of time, we usually cared and loved by some close friends in our life but we often felt that no one is there for us as we are always looking at the world through our "video camera" and interpret what we "recorded" with our own scripts.

Multiple "scripts" aren't good at all time:-
Understand and catch thought too quickly are not often a good thing.

False PHOBIA:-
I found out that I've been misdiagnose myself with blood phobia as the main thing i fear is cutting through HUMAN MEAT.

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