Monday, April 07, 2008

Lala land?

Everyone~ Say hi to Boon Han~~~ He is in charge of this life now~~~ WEEE~ By the way, Gorgan kinda need a break now, so please do excuse him.

I am wondering whether will emotion/feeling spread among a group of people. Nah, to a certain extent it does~ Geez, having this stupid low self concept about myself for days already and guess what, it is attacking the emotion/schema storage of intimate wardrobe. Yea yea, basically I am crapping lol!! Starting to have doubt that people aren't treating me the way they think of me? or rather, there is like they are distancing from me... Geez crap...

Naruto, between Naruto and Bleach, I found that I like Naruto more. I think Friendship is one of naruto's main theme. In the same time, I've been wondering whether Naruto ever thought of this "I aren't worthy enough to be treated so good...."“僕の友達、仲間、みなさん、ぜんぜんありがとう と ごめんなさい。僕はぜんぜんばかですね。。。”みなさん、だいすき、しかし。。。
わたしのいもうと、大丈夫ですよか?わたしの友達 と 仲間、大丈夫ですよか?

PS: Look look Sarah sensei!! I can write in Jap edi~~ hahaha! *whack*

1 comment:

Aaron Foo Chee Mun said...