Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Blaming game

Blame, by itself is already something that will cause a bad ending to anyone. When someone blame another, it often include element of judging the person and often, it only make things worse. I experienced first hand, how the power of blaming can destroy someone's life, hmm, maybe not that serious, but how it can really affect the effectiveness of someone and how it battered others esteem.

I guess people are more likely to blame, instead of helping the situation. I guess it is easier for us to unleash out all our judgmental side and start the blaming game because it is somehow, fun when doing so. It definitely require a lot lesser effort compare to trying to empathize another and trying the best to fix the situation.

However, self-blame is as terrible as blaming as well, in fact, to a certain extent, it is more destructive compare to blaming others. When we know what we did are wrong, or should I say, when we perceived that what we did are wrong, most of us tend to blame ourselves, well, at the very least, I know I do; and when we blame ourselves, it often let the self-defeating thoughts get the best of us. We start to focus on the emotions which the blaming bring us and stop taking responsibility on what we do. Thus, whatever action we did after that will often be craps, worsen the situation and of course, our self esteem will definitely dropped to the lowest and there will be a high probability that we will drag people around us down with us. And we start blaming ourselves again! Tadaa~ the cycle goes on without stopping~


Of course, all these are easier said than done, especially asking people not to blame. Even people who claim that they dun blame, occasionally they do, without knowing it. Of course, at least I know I did it~ Lets take responsibility and not blame, whoever, including ourselves regardless of how difficult it is to do so! At least we try not to~ =P

Of course, for those who thinks it is perfectly okay to blame, go and ahead and blame, its always our freedom to choose what we want to believe and do, because with that kinda freedom, we are always in the position to accept all the consequences of our action, be it good or bad~

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