Monday, December 31, 2007


Its 1234 in the morning of the last day of 2007. Yea, its 1234... So many things had happen in 2007; ups, downs, happy, sad, disappointed, satisfaction, anger, all sorts of emotions, feelings, you name it. However, I do, of course, learn a lot during this year. Dreams, to be achieved; Goals, to be met; Vision, to be seen; Mission, to be accomplished. All these, is one step closer after today, the last day of 2007!

Friends come and go through out this year. Which makes my life more miserable. Conflict arise and some i chose not to deal with it. Money and time management is the worst this year, I've been using them like a flow of waterfall, without any control. Gave stupid advices to my dearest friends. Gave stupid responses to my dearest friends. All these, brought me from heaven to hell. From Light to the Dark.

However, there were times that brought me back to the Light, Heaven. For those who made my day, I would want to thank you guys here. I can't seems to thank you guys in person for I am still as cowardly as I used to be. XD

Thanks God, for You guided me, led me to the path You want me to be.
Thanks my family members, for a place for me to be myself. To express myself.
Thanks PuiLing, for being my most faithful listener, comforter and being my sister.
Thanks Michelle, for being my sister who cares for me
Thanks Yingzhi, for being my sister who always give support and love with care when I needed it most.
Thanks YenYee, for trying to understand me; being my best friends; accompany me when i am lonely; and being my mirror to reflect my own wrongs
Thanks YeeWern, for being a true friend that always cover my back; give comforts, who let me felt that i am being protected.
Thanks Philip, who always give advices that suitable for the situation I'm in.
Thanks Jin, who always talk to me and comfort me when needed.
Thanks Manda, who always care and love me like my own mother and protects me.
Thanks KitMun, for being a friend that willing to share problems with me.
Thanks YaShin, for reminding me and helping me to be more matured even you didn't notice it.
Thanks Karmun, for making me a stronger boy.
Thanks Sarah, who sometimes inspired me for doing things.
Thanks Mika, for making me more than who I used to be.
Thanks Mian, for suddenly coming into my life and wake me up from a long sleep.
Thanks Ylong, for letting me know that friends are always there when I needed one.
Thanks SyiHuey, who boast my confident and esteem when i really needed it.
Thanks PuiSee, who treated me with honest heart.

Thanks my friends, for making me who I am today. I really do appreciate the times with you guys. Though I am quiet, emo at times, but truely, I am really happy with you guys in my life. Once in a year, I really wanted to thanks you guys here. ^^ Honto-ni doumo arigatou gozaimasu, mina-san!!!


Anonymous said...

dou itashi mashte~
rainen wa~ iisho ni ganbate neh~


Anonymous said...

eto... hai..! arigato kaumun-chan~~ hahaha


Anonymous said...

Karmun*** haha

Anonymous said...

aaawwwww oni-chan x3
its nice how we exchange our thankyous haha.
thankyou again & you're most welcome ~ XOXO

Anonymous said...

shieh shieh! hen xin fu you ni "as" wo de ge ge. hai you, shieh shieh, ying wei ni hen you "patience" tin wo de "prob". ni jiao le wo hen duo hen duo de dong si. wo bu hui wang zi de! shieh shieh!


Anonymous said...

LOL~~ thx u again~~ hahaha all the best o~

yea... ling ma!! cheh... haha thx thx~~ ^^


Anonymous said...

update ur bloggie~ XD